Friday, December 2, 2011

How do doctor and nurse carry out their job without infected by disease?

Since clinical doctor and nurse has to deal with many patients everyday, how do they do to avoid infected by the disease of the patients?|||Doctors and nurses are also vaccinated on a regular basis.|||They are vaccinated from hepa B vac, influenza, etc, They use protective gowns, gloves, mask, goggles, caps, do handwashing before and after contact with the patient. They use the universal precaution, as assuming that all of patients are having HIV,.,They are very strict in controlling and isolating communicable diseases.|||Universal precautions are taken, such as proper hand washing, the use of barrier devices like gloves or masks when necessary, and equipment is either one use only, or is cleaned between patients.

Doctors and nurses are also vaccinated on a regular basis.|||I absolutely agree with the other answers. As a physician assistant and a former EMT, anecdotally I believe ( I don't know of any actual scientific basis) that you build up an immunity that could go out and kick a bear's a--! People cough in my face all day, I've been exposed to everything imaginable, and I was last sick (with bronchitis) nine years ago.|||Just by following safety procedures and using proper equipment such as gloves. Accidents may happen but less of a chance if they are following proper procedures.|||You build up a natural tolerence to everyday germs by being in that environment,and i totally agree with other answers.|||I agree with other answers. Universal precautions, the single most important being hand washing.

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