Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is the earliest a doctor will do an ultrasound?

I was just wondering at about what week or so will the doctor give you an ultrasound? I'm really excited to go but I think I'm only 4 weeks or about 4 weeks...And I was just wondering how much longer I had to wait for my 1st ultrasound. My doctor's appointment is Oct. 7th so I don't want to wait that long to ask lol...Thanks ladies!|||Mine was at 8 weeks to confirm my pregnancy.|||It depends on the doctor, I only get one at 20 weeks. If your doctor does a first trimester ultrasound it's pretty common to wait until 8 weeks when you have something to actually see. Prior to 8 weeks there is a chance that you will not see a heart beat which might unnecessarily worry you. At 4 weeks you may not even see a yolk sack, there really isn't anything there to see on ultrasound. The heart beat starts around 5-6 weeks but it's not uncommon to be a little off on dates so 7-8 weeks from your lmp is a safer time to check.

I just had my first appointment at 6 weeks and just had a pap and blood work. At 10 weeks I will hear the heart beat by doppler the same as I did my last pregnancy.|||Doctors wont do a ultrasound until 19-20 weeks it is called a complete fetal assessment...it is 1 hour long appointment where they take look at the baby...you dont get to see the screen while the they assess the baby but the last 10mins of the appointment you get to look at the baby.

I just had my 19 week ultrasound a few days ago we are having a girl.

Good luck and Congrats God Bless|||12 weeks is usually the date when you'll have your first ultrasound, and that's only if you want to screen for any medical issues with your baby.

If there are any specific concerns or other medical issues (let's hope not) then maybe you'll get one done sooner, and then more frequently after that throughout your pregnancy.

I'm pregnant with my first child, and I had one at 12 weeks, another one at 20 weeks, and should be having one at 36 weeks.

It is one of those times when you don't want to be unique, you want to be normal, because that means everything is progressing normally. So you'll need to be a little patient. When I used to run out of patience I used to google "ultrasound X weeks" depending on how many weeks I was at, and I'd just admire other people's ultrasound pictures and imagine my baby looked like that.

A really good website tells you about baby growth week by week is:


I'm assuming you already know about:



There are so many out there, the more you read, the more patient you'll be. Baby center have baby progress videos too which is nice.

Good Luck!|||Between 6-8 weeks. The doctor told me to go for my first ultrasound around mid october, I am too excited too wait, it's driving me mental. LOL. but he said to me, there's no point doing it earlier, because there would be a hard chance of seeing the embryo/fetus, and then it would mean another ultra sound would have to be repeated.(more money spent) etc.

Anyway go to the doctor on October 7th and your doctor will tell you whether he wants an ultrasound now or in a few week time.. Good Luck..|||I had my first appointment at about 8 weeks, my midwife did one for free that day. I was feeling pretty rough, and she thought it might help me through my first few weeks if I got to take a peek and see what was making me feel the way I was. Not everyone does this, but be sure to ask about it at your first appointment, you might get a little peek!!! Good luck!|||U can get a quick ultrasound if u tell your doctor that you don't remember when your last menstrual cycle was. They have to get an ultrasound done to figure out conception and due date if u don't know. Congrats|||depends on your doctor, my obgyn wouldnt even see me for my first appointment till i was atleast 11 weeks. i went to a womens clinic who required you to be atleast 10 weeks for an ultrasound. my sister said you should have one between 6-8 weeks to correctly estimate the due date.|||I'm not sure how early but mine was done at 10 weeks to find out the exact due date. It is done vaginal with a wand inserted in your vagina since the baby is too small this gives them a better view of the baby. I'm 20 weeks now and so happy. Good Luck and Congrats.|||I went in yesterday for my first OB appointment they will not do one until i am 10 almost 11 weeks along they wouldnt do my 6 week one yet because they want my first ultrasound to be when i hear the heartbeat. Im ok with it out and good luck.|||Mine was 6w4d to confirm fetus and number of fetuses. Hopefully that's when you'll get yours! However, I did not get an u/s during my first apt, I had to wait until my second.. :( Best wishes to you! Congratulations mommy to be!|||i had an ultrasound at 4weeks pregnant for something completely different and didnt know i was pregnant and they didnt even see anything. but my first prego one was 7 weeks and the fetus was 1cm big lol|||I got mine at 6 weeks. I just asked my doctor and he gave me a slip, and the next day I had an ultrasound appointment. It was exciting!|||They should set you up with a date for one at your dr appointment but mine was done at 10 weeks

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