Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is the name of doctor in San Diego that will perform a circumcision in the hospital?

Most SD doctors, make you go home after giving birth and COME back to their office with your son to perform the procedure three days later.

This is due to insurance. I need a doctor that will come to the hospital in San Diego and perform the procedure there.|||If you persist in having your son mutilated, please wait until he is at least 8 days old, as the risk of hemorrhage is much greater before that time,. Your doctor should know that.

Please do your research before making this important decision. Check websites on "circumcision deaths" and "Functions of the foreskin", as well as the one below.|||You aren't going to be able to find a doctor who will go to a hospital to perform the procedure. Medical insurance and licensing doesn't work like that. Private practice surgeons can only perform in their office unless invited by a major hospital to do it over there. Plus you can't pay a doctor enough to make him do that.

Why does it bother you to do it three days later? Most doctors wait not just because of insurance but because it's much safer on the baby.

Plus if it bothers you that much why not wait until your child is 18 and can make his own decision about his own body. I mean after all you have no right to mutilate his penis without his permission.

I'm shocked you could find a doctor out west willing to circ a child without a medical reason. A vast majority of parents don't do this anymore because of how much it damages the penis and yields no medical benefits.

If you want it done in the hospital you have to find a doctor already working in the hospital.

-Connor|||I'm not sure why you want healthy tissue removed from your boy's genitals, especially when there is no medical reason to do so. An intact baby is much easier to care for than a circumcised one (less pain when changing his diaper for example) and not a single medical organization in the world recommends infant circumcision. Why not let him make the decision for himself when he reaches adulthood?|||I'm sure you have your sons best interests at heart.....unfortunately your doing it wrong and will be mutilating your son by allowing this cosmetic surgery to be done to him, it has no benefits either.|||Perhaps one should take into consideration the interests on ones son before deciding on such a procedure|||Circumcision is Unnecessary Risky, and Painful. Complications occur 2-10% of the time!(1) If you count more "minor" skin tags, complication rates as high as 55%(1) have been documented. Perhaps worst of all, more then 117 (4) to 230(5) infants in the U.S. die from circumcision every year.

DO YOUR RESEARCH The circ rate is down to 30% in the U.S. and the value of conformity is subjective any way.

No official western medical organization in the world recommends it, not even in Israel!. The Royal Dutch Medical Society, The British Medical Association, the Canadian Pediatric Society, and the Royal Australian College of Physicians have all made official policy statements against circumcision. The AAP, the AMA, the AAFP, and the AUA are in agreement that there are no proven benefits. they all have officially termed circumcision as non-therapeutic or ritual surgery.

What is the foreskin? Information about the foreskin is virtually absent during discussions of anatomy in biology classrooms, and yet, the foreskin provides a well-documeted set of crucial sensory, protective, immunological, hygienic, and sexual functions. The foreskin is a double fold of skin that is twice as big as its appearance. It can make up to 80% or more of the penile skin covering, and includes around 12-20 square inches of skin (the size of a 3x4 or a 4x5 index card!), and in turn includes a specialized sheet of dartos muscle(42,44). One of the functions of this mobile skin system is to glide up and down the shaft of the penis in order to facilitate non-abrasive stimulation during sexual activity without any need for artificial lubricant. This frictionless gliding mechanism is the principal source of stimulation for the intact penis and facilitates non-abrasive intercourse.

Not surprisingly a centuries worth an nero-anatomical research was corroborated in a 2006 study which measured the sensitivity of all the parts of the penis. they concluded

The five component tissues that are routinely removed at circumcision were significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the circumcised penis ... which is the amputation scar on the ventral side (51)

The Victorians designed circumcision with the intention of denudation, desensitizing, and disabling of the penis. This evidence is present in medical literature in as late as the 1970’s!

The foreskin, like the eyelid, also serves an important set of protective and immunological functions. The foreskin protects the delicate glans of the penis and puts the urethra at a distance form its environment protecting it from foreign contaminants of all kinds. While simultaneously shielding the penis from injury. The foreskins inner fold and the glans of the penis are comprised of mucous membrane tissue. These are also present in your eyes, mouth, and all other bodily orifices including the female genitals. These mucous membranes perform many immunological and hygienic functions. Certain components such as Langerhans cells(52), plasma cells(53), apocrine glands(54), and sebaceous glands(55), collectively secrete emolliating lubricants(56) rich in enzymes such as lysosomal enzymes, cathepsin B, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase, immunoglobulin, and cytokine(58,58) whose function is to sequester and “digest” foreign pathogens. The foreskin is also responsible for the production, retention, and dispersal of pheromones such as androsterone(59). In time we will discover even more information about the foreskin and its functional components.

The intact penis is naturally clean and maintains a level of hygiene that is optimal when compared to a penis that has been altered by circumcision. In fact, a myriad of rigorously controlled studies performed by objective researchers among racially and socioeconomically homogeneous study groups in developed urban settings have shown that circumcision is often associated with either an increased risk of bacterial infections, viral infections, and major STD’s, or no significant difference.(60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,6…

Foregen.org for foreskin stem cell regeneration!

Great and succinct article!!:


Just watch a circumcision!!!! This should tell you all you need to know.


The developmental trauma and psychological impact has been well-documented. This article will address this.


Contact me at craig.ginsbe@yahoo.com for advice, detailed research and the rest of my references.

sry cant fit all references

(1)Williams, N; L. Kapila (October 1993). "Complications of circumcision". British Journal of Surgery 80 (10): 1231-1236.

(4) Bollinger, Dan; Boy's Health Advisory (2010-04-26). "Lost Boys: An Estimate of U.S. Circumcision-Related Infant Deaths". Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies 4 (1): 78–90

(5) Gellis, SS. Circumcision. Am J Dis Child 1978;132:1168.|||Please, don't.

There is no medical reason to justify routine infant circumcision. When you compare the risks versus the supposed benefits, the results are staggeringly in favour of leaving them well alone. These are some of the complications: http://www.circumstitions.com/Complic.ht…

If he decides on circumcision when he's older, he's:

-Not at risk of fatal haemorrhage

-Not at risk of fatal infection

-Not at risk of glans amputation, degloving or adhesions and skin bridges.

Any surgery is easier on an adult and has fewer complications, and the complications are less serious. The reality is though - in a non-circumcising country, which the USA is fast becoming with a neonatal circumcision rate of 33% (and falling) in 2009, it is incredibly rare for an intact man to want to be without his foreskin.

The reasons circumcision still continues in the USA and not in Europe or Australasia are religion and money. Doctors peer-reviewing studies in the USA have an overwhelming cultural or religious bias. These studies are laughed at, refuted and rejected internationally. The lack of a public health system encourages the practice of unnecessary but lucrative surgery - but increasingly, medical insurance companies are refusing to cover circumcision as not only is it deemed a cosmetic procedure, but they're also paying for the fix-ups - around 9% of circumcised boys have meatal stenosis, a narrowing of the urethral opening requiring surgery, virtually unheard of in intact boys.

Some common myths:

- It's easier to keep clean.

It's NOT. An intact penis should only ever be wiped gently like a finger - http://www.fathermag.com/health/boy-care… A circumcised newborn's penis is an open wound sitting in excrement. Often, the glans (which is raw where the adhered foreskin has been torn away) begins to heal onto the skin of the penile shaft, resulting in skin bridges: http://www.noharmm.org/IDcirc.htm This is a comparison between cut and intact newborn boys: http://www.drmomma.org/2010/01/cut-vs-in…

I'll add to that to say that it's also NOT cleaner in adulthood. Around half my partners have been intact and half circumcised. I've never had a smelly intact partner (except a smoker, who smelled like smoke) but I have had smelly circumcised partners. In intact men, the skin hangs freely over the glans. In circumcised men, it bunches behind the coronal ridge, making sweaty folds. I had a partner who found it very hard to stop these folds from stinking of sweat. Cleaning under the foreskin takes the adult man less time than it does for a woman to keep her vulva clean.

-It reduces his risk of HIV

Highly questionable. The studies in Africa were very poorly conducted and controlled for, only showed any benefit for female-male transmission (most sexual transmission in the USA is homosexual) and one study was abandoned when a similar INCREASE in transmission to women was shown. In any case, 60% was the supposed reduction, when the risk can be virtually eliminated with condom use. Any vaccine trial showing a reduction of 60% would be abandoned. More here: http://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/full/1…

-It reduces his risk of UTIs

False. Circumcision commonly causes meatal stenosis in boys, or narrowing of the urinary tract. It is virtually unheard of in intact boys. For this reason, and because the foreskin is no longer protecting the glans and urethra, it may increase his risk of urinary tract infections. In any case, UTIs are rare in boys - even more so after the first 12 months - and can be treated with antibiotics. More on UTIs: http://www.circumstitions.com/Utis.html

- It reduces his risk of STDs

Highly questionable. Other studies have shown no difference or an increase in STD transmission among circumcised men - who may be less likely to use condoms as they already have reduced sensation. In any case - newborns aren't sexually active! This is one he can decide when he's older. http://www.circumstitions.com/STDs.html

- Most men are circumcised

False. Around 80% of the world is intact: http://www.circumstitions.com/Maps.html

- It's just a snip!

False. In adult males, the foreskin has separated from the glans. In infants, it must be torn away from the glans first - yes, even with the Plastibell procedure, which DOES involve cutting. Circumstraints are bolted to a bench and the infant is firmly strapped in place. You don't have to do this for a heel prick. Videos made by and for medical professionals: Gomco - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXVFFI76f… %26amp; Plastibell - http://www.drmomma.org/2009/08/plastibel…|||FIRST DO NO HARM. Male circumcision aka cutting off penis parts of a baby boy is trauma and harm affecting the male for life and removing a great source of pleasure for life.

The alleged benefits are contrived by people trying to keep the practice going – they want to pass it on to the next generation. There is no data that shows HIV, HPV or any STD change or any real benefit to cutting off parts of a baby boys penis.

A whole range of sensation and sexual and protective function are lost. The lips and fingertips have similar touch sense. To take this away from another person without their consent is heinous.

BTW, the infection thing is part myth part bad medical advice. Boys that are natural should not have their foreskin touched by others. The US medical advice was to pull it back and scrub with soap. That causes problems including infections. Natural boys really have no problems if you don't retract THEIR foreskin.

circumcision makes the penis dirtier, a fact that was confirmed by a study recently published in the British Journal of Urology.1 For at least a week after circumcision, the baby is left with a large open wound that is in almost constant contact with urine and feces--hardly a hygienic advantage. Additionally, throughout life the circumcised penis is open and exposed to dirt and contaminants of all kinds. The wrinkles and folds that often form around the circumcision scar frequently harbor dirt and germs.

Thanks to the foreskin, the intact penis is protected from dirt and contamination. While this important protective function is extremely useful while the baby is in diapers, the foreskin provides protection to the glans and urinary opening for a lifetime. At all ages, the foreskin keeps the glans safe, soft, and clean.

Throughout childhood, there is no need to wash underneath the foreskin. Mothers used to be advised to retract the foreskin and wash beneath it every day. This was very bad advice indeed. When the foreskin becomes fully retractable, usually by the end of puberty, your son can retract it and rinse his glans with warm water while he is in the shower.

You should know that infant boys are EASIER to care for when they are natural (intact). The foreskin does not retract until late childhood or even puberty, so you do nothing special, just wipe the outside of his penis clean and leave it alone. Furthermore, to prevent painful and bleeding erections later in life, doctors are now commonly leaving more skin behind- in a cut boy this means you may have to push the left over skin back at every diaper change and clean beneath it to prevent it from adhering or infecting. The very thing that mother's think they avoid by circumcising! In short- Intact = wipe like a finger, NEVER retract Cut= vaseline, clean thoroughly, push back remaining skin to prevent adhesions etc (the last step perhaps for several months or years).

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