Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Can anybody recommend a doctor in the Los Angeles area who is experienced at performing penile frenuloplasties?

It seems that this is a common procedure in Europe, but here in the States most doctors don't perform it often and just leap to full circumcisions for frenulum problems. Any referral to a reliable doctor or urologist would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.|||Contact Doctors Opposing Circumcision, or DOC, just type it in on your browser.

They will treat a problem with the foreskin, and won't try to circumcise you, which is totally unnecessary and an abnormal and unnatural mutilation of the penis.

DOC has a list of doctors in various areas.

Circumcision is a hoax and a fraud.

A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

ERIC|||Pretty much anyone off the street can do one since all you are going it simply cutting the skin at the base of the foreskin. ANy Eurologist should be able to so this for you.


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