Saturday, November 19, 2011


I would like to ask for some advice, i desperately want to become a Doctor when im older i have a strong passion for medicine and a desire to help people. However i am not the greatest when it come to mathmatics i am good but fairly average i can do simple algerbraic equations but nothing to hard. but when it come to chemistry, biology, english im excellent.

I am willing to do what ever it takes to get there.

should i still persue a career in medicine?

Do i have a chance?|||Absolutely. Do the math you have to in order to graduate, and excel in your sciences.

You don't need to do calculus as a doctor, but you do need algebra and, of course, arithmetic.

Go for it, and good luck!|||If you want to get into the top med schools you do NEED calculus, but you denfinitely need at least statistics. I'm a doctor.

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|||not really...

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|||i am having this issue too.... im in yr.11 and i really want to do medicine and become a doctor but i am not good at chemistry or physics but im good at maths.... im not sure i have a chance either. medical school is heaps competitive and you need to be heaps smart but you need other qualities as well.

i dont think maths would be a huge part of being a doctor. you can always get tutours and do some bridging bourses to get into college/university. definitely go for it though, people cant be good at absolutely everything. i know i always compare myself to other people in my school who are soooooo smart and get straight A's, but they have bad social skills and are bad at sport and all that....

good luck!!|||go for it,dont let anything hold you back if that is your wish|||Of course you still have a chance. Medical schools care more about your overall grades and GPA (and MCAT score), not how well you did in one particular subject (as long as you're not getting Ds and Fs). I really really sucked at chemistry, but did well in everything else and I got into med school just fine.

Just study hard. Also, if you have the time, volunteer (in a hospital, clinic, ER, whatever)--it will give you a taste of what you'll be getting yourself into and (let's be honest) it looks good on your application.

Good luck!

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