Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What kind of doctor would I see to remove a very stubborn wart from my index finger?

I have tried every remedy over the years from raw potaotes, duct tape, Compound W, Wartner Freeze, and all of Dr. Scholl's products; the last of which made it slightly bigger! I just tried Pristine Wart %26amp; Mole Vanish to great PAIN and bad results. A local foot doctor told me there was nothing new they could do, but I met a foot doctor who said he had success with chemotherapy injected in. Yikes!|||I think meet a dermatologist. If freezing has not helped you ask if the doc could cauterise it (it could heal with a scar).

Intralesional injections (means injection inside the wart) or applications of some chemotherapy medicines do help.

Remember if its a wart its a viral infection and the viurus can multiply inspite of the medicine/ treatment. Trick is not to let it grow too big and destroy the lesion at the earliest.|||dermatologist|||I would try the duct tape again. Perhaps you didn't leave it it on long enough. I have used this method for my daughter's wart with success. Tape the wart with duct tape, as you would a bandage. Leave on for 3-4 days. Check. It should be growing smaller. Leave on for another 3-4 days. Check again. If it is not gone, you should see it shrinking. repeat procedure. If you still can't get rid of it, most doctor's will use a dry ice treatment to remove it. It usually takes 2 treatments. I believe most family doctors can do this.|||Your regular doctor has the equipment to burn off warts.|||I have a skin tag(worse than warts) on my neck for about 3 years. Though there's no cure except to do a surgery. Recently seen a GP and she has given me 'Verrumal Solution' to apply on it. I've used for less than a week, its almost 80% invisible. Try it!|||YES THAT RIGHT , YOUR G P DOCTOR WILL DO IT . IT PAINLESS TOO...

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