Friday, December 2, 2011

How do I tell my doctor I want to start HRT?

I am an 18 year old male who wishes to be a female

I would like to start hormone replacement therapy as soon as possible.

I have anxiety about telling my doctor this because I'm not sure what his reaction may be; as everyone has their own qualms about Gender reassignment.

I really want to start HRT but my own anxiety is keeping me from doing so.

How can I go about telling my doctor I want to start this process?|||first....see a therapist well versed in gender issues. honey, if you are so afraid of it that you have qualms with talking with your doctor about it, you are not nearly ready.

transition is about getting out there and living it.....all day, every all circumstances and situations. talking with a professional medical provider is THE safest place on earth to be.....if you are afraid of that, you are way, way too afraid to face hrt and transition.

you need to do a whole lot of work.....and then you'll not only be up to talking with your doctor about it, you'll be up to telling her with dignity and self an adult capable of making such decisions, not like a scared, confused child.

transition ain't for sissies.

much love and hope. pj|||you don't. you see a gender therapist first. your doctor may be able to refer you. mine did.

telling her i wanted to be a girl was the hardest thing i had done up to that point. it was also an enormous relief to finally tell somebody.|||Seems young but here goes... Your doctor is a service provider. She / he works for YOU. That's what you pay him / her for, to administer services you require. You'll probably need a consultation first Best of luck.|||I agree with Angela D.|||i agree with ange...

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