Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What will a doctor do to treat an infected blister?

I have a blister on my little toe that is red and oozing. Clearly infected. I'd like to treat it at home but I think it may warrant a doctor's visit. Any idea what they'll do? I'd like the antibiotics, but I'm not real fond of the idea of someone poking at it - it hurts like the dickens! Thanks!|||They'll drain it and send a sample to the lab to know what kind of antibiotics to give you.

If you're really worried about it hurting, ask for sedation or a pain blocker and they shouldn't have a problem accommodating you.|||Go to the doctor,I doubt he will probe it. He probably will order a anti-biotic. Keep it clean,wear clean white socks,triple anti-biotic ointment on it. Watch it,especially if your diabetic|||hold your foot over the tub and pour peroxide over it.

clean it well. You dont need an antibiotic. People rely on those far too much. put some anti bacterial cream on it and wrap it in a clean dressing. It will heal fine.|||They will open it up, clean it out, put some antibacterial cream on it, and they might put a bandage on it.|||Try salt water soaks and neomycin or bacitracin ointment. If the infection spreads or doesn't clear soon or begin to improve you may need oral antibiotics.

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